Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Some semi-random stuff...

I'd say it's about time I updated my blog, so here you go.

 (Reference photo below)
Well I've finished another portrait. I don't have a name for this little guy, but I sure had fun painting him!
I recently had a little contest on my facebook page for working dogs, and will be giving away an 8x10 acrylic painting (like the one above) to the three winners. Below are pictures of the three winning dogs:

If you're interested in reading about the jobs these dogs do, visit my facebook page *here* and go to either the event "win a free 8x10 painting of your working dog" or the photo album with the same title. I can't wait to get started on these special dogs!

That's all I have for now. School has been keeping me pretty busy lately, but hopefully I won't continue to be so neglectful of my poor blog...after all, the semester is almost over! Yaaay!!